Thursday, April 28, 2016


So nice to be on unwind....reflect....refuel. Miss my husband and son's though. This trip was more than just seeing family but I am getting to see friends, and some I hadn't seen in about 10 years. So fun to catch up. When I get back, I will have lots of blog posts on here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Just one of those days that make you go hmmm..... One of those days that confuses you, perplexes you. Just one of those days.

So many changes here. God has shown us to trust in Him. Sometimes I feel so lucky that He loves me this much.....that He gives me grace when I don't deserve it.

Looking at some different things and wondering where is that fine line of helping educate people on different disabilities/issues and going too far to make it be all about you. I keep seeing it more and more but confused about where that line is. Best thing is to give it to God because He knows what is in their heart. I can't judge. I will just continue to raise my son so that he is happy and enjoys activities he really likes.

What does God want me to do in this life. Where am I going? Why do I feel like I am floundering at times? Jeremiah 29:13 answers that I know but sometimes so hard to wait and see.

Just one of those days where thoughts are swirling.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Salvation story

I was sitting here thinking I have never really shared how I came to Christ. So here it goes. I never really attended church until I was in 8th grade. We moved to a new small town into a house right behind the local church. I was interested and we began attending there. I was involved in all the youth activities, and church camp. I was also involved in Young Life. But that was all I was....involved for the fellowship. It was not until my first year of college when I really understood what being a Christian was. One night, while reading my Bible, it hit me. It was then I asked for God's forgiveness and that He be ruler of my life. Has life been perfect since then? Nope! I have not been perfect. I admit I am human and make mistakes. But, by the grace of God, I am forgiven. I am a new person. My past is the past.
Comment your salvation story. I love to hear them. I love to see God at work.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I'm back!

After much thought about this blog and where it's going, I decided that sticking to a strict schedule of certain topics is not for me. I am still going to discuss all those topics, but not in a certain order or day. I want it to be fun. My original goal of this blog was to get back into writing. I used to write short stories and poetry all the time. I don't want my posts to be forced because I won't enjoy writing, and you won't enjoy reading them. I have alot swirling in this brain of mine and this blog is also helpful for me to get out those thoughts. So there you have it. And that is where we are going. I hope you will continue to ride along with me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I know....

I know I am behind. I think doing 5times a week was a bit overachieving of me. I think I am going to have to re-evaluate my days and maybe combine a couple themes. I will get back with you on that. It's been a rough few days. Thank you for your patience, and watch for a blog entry tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Crafting is good for your health

crafting is good for your mental health. I find it relaxing and slows my brain down. Just doing something monotonous takes away what I am stressed about and replaces it with feelings of creativity. How about you? Why do you like to craft? Do you like the creative process or the end when its finished? I actually like both. I love the process and watching the design come to life as I stitch. Right now I am working on an autism piece. Next Monday I will post pictures of some of my stitched items.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Gun control

This is my Anything Thursday post. Sorry it's a day late. Some things came up. So, here we go:
You see the title and probably thinking why. A comment I hear quite often and heard just the other day: "we should ban all guns". Even though I knew the answer, I asked why. She said "because it will stop the shootings and the violence." Okay, raise your hand if you have walked through a gun store or gun show and seen guns jump up and start shooting! Yeah, I thought so! Let's be real....a gun is an inanimate's the person holding the gun who is so angry and has no regard for the value of a human life killing people. But let's just say we ban guns from law abiding citizens. What about those who are not law abiding? They can still get guns illegally like through the Black Market. The violence will be worse. So, if we ban guns because they kill, let's ban axes(remember Lizzie Borden), vehicles, shovels, knives, hammers, our own hands, ropes, baseball bats and the list goes on. If someone is that angry, they will kill with whatever they can find. So, it's not the gun. But I do agree that gun shows should have to do background checks just like stores do.