This is my Anything Thursday post. Sorry it's a day late. Some things came up. So, here we go:
You see the title and probably thinking why. A comment I hear quite often and heard just the other day: "we should ban all guns". Even though I knew the answer, I asked why. She said "because it will stop the shootings and the violence." Okay, raise your hand if you have walked through a gun store or gun show and seen guns jump up and start shooting! Yeah, I thought so! Let's be real....a gun is an inanimate's the person holding the gun who is so angry and has no regard for the value of a human life killing people. But let's just say we ban guns from law abiding citizens. What about those who are not law abiding? They can still get guns illegally like through the Black Market. The violence will be worse. So, if we ban guns because they kill, let's ban axes(remember Lizzie Borden), vehicles, shovels, knives, hammers, our own hands, ropes, baseball bats and the list goes on. If someone is that angry, they will kill with whatever they can find. So, it's not the gun. But I do agree that gun shows should have to do background checks just like stores do.
You are doing a good job Ms. Lynn. :)